Tom’s Intro
- Focus on one compelling topic (with all its interesting connections to others)
- Embody a passionate interest of the teacher and students
- Continue in the background of class activities drawing attention when something in the real world provokes it
- Act as a platform for things like writing, podcasts, videos, photos, cartoons, data collection, etc.
- Make a contribution to the world’s learning
For Ideas
- Social Network For Social Activism
- – Causes in Need
- OXFAM – Reshaping our World – Poverty Maps (+ Complete Story Library from OXFAM)
- Idea Index from the Buckminster Fuller Challenge 2009
For Inspiration
- The Girl who Silenced the U.N. for Five Minutes
- End Homelessness
- Five Former Slaves Who Are Changing the World
- 10 Revolutionary Acts of Courage by Ordinary People
- 50 Items That Should Change the World
Brainstorming and Designing
- Download the worksheet or use the hard.
Task 1: Choose Topic(s)
- Browse Brainstorming List
- Use the digital worksheet or hard copy.
Task 2: Enrich the Possibilities
- What would excite student interest in this topic?
- Why People Care about this Topic
- Complexity: What Issues and Aspects make up this Topic?
- Embedded Learning Skills
Task 3: Tapping & Taming the Information Stream
- Examples: Tom’s ClassPortal Pageflakes or Netvibes
- Types of Current Information Available (News, Podcasts, Video, Cartoons, Movies, Books, etc.)
- Initial places to begin looking
- Possible Student Jobs, Roles, Tasks (consider ICT expertise and Gifted & Talented extensions)
Task 4: ICT Productions
- Based on Your Skills & Interests & Student Inclination, which ICT Creations seem possible?
- Any needed software, hardware, online spaces / tools, tech support, tutorials, etc.
Let’s Get Started!
- Work as a school team?
- Set-up Your Space (register another blog on your WordPress Account? – Tap into great Tutorials from
- Add your brainstorming ideas to Pages on your ClassPortal (Roles, Rationale, etc.)
- Create 3 Look-to-learn activities on your topic to excite student interest and participation.
- Create a RSS Feeds page for the topic (Add Netvibes tutorial)
- Consider using Podcasts (Add a Podcast Player to WordPress and review a Podcast Booklet from Tony Vincent)
- Upload a Podcast (through Jotform)
- Consider how students will author (register & add as “category”). See the tutorial Invite Users to
Next Session: Day 4
- Real, Rich and Relevant Group: Wednesday, 27 July (Day 5: Aug 17)
- AGQTP Group: Tuesday, 16 August (Day 5: Oct 12)
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