As the final day in the 5-Day Series, we 1) showcase participants’ work and 2) focus on supporting student self-managed learning.
Activity 1: Case Studies of Participants’ Work
Please use the comments link on this post to submit a URL if the one listed below is not your main site.
Real, Rich and Relevant Group
Use the Beta EtherPad to offer comments and encouragement.
- Lynda C – Brushes, Paint & ICT and Thinking Tools 4 Me
- Jamie W
- Andrew S
- David G
- Sophie K
- Yasmine
- Carol D
- Graeme Y
- Alan
- Dale S
Activity 2: Self-managed Learning Framework for students
C E Q • A LL / Seek all!
- Tom’s presentation (download .mov) / review
- Overview / Rationale
- Rubric (pdf)
- Profiles (pdf)
- Align School / Learning Initiatives with CEQ•ALL via Stixy
- RSA – Daniel Pink video
- ROWE – Results Only Work Environment – GoROWE
- Objections to ROWE
Work period reviewing / integrating student-managed learning into projects
Activity 3: Work Period & Discussion
Last chance for input and sharing as a group
- Techniques like Diigo, Netvibes, podcasts, WordPress
- Consider school strategic directions (WordPress installation?)
Activity 4: Reflection & Feedback
- Please take your time to complete this feedback form. Thanks!
- Your original goals / comments
6 Responses to Day 5 – Showcase & CEQ•ALL