Day 3 – ClassPortals


Tom’s Intro


  • Focus on one compelling topic (with all its interesting connections to others)
  • Embody a passionate interest of the teacher and students
  • Continue in the background of class activities drawing attention when something in the real world provokes it
  • Act as a platform for things like writing, podcasts, videos, photos, cartoons, data collection, etc.
  • Make a contribution to the world’s learning



For Ideas

For Inspiration

Brainstorming and Designing

Task 1: Choose Topic(s)

Task 2: Enrich the Possibilities

  • What would excite student interest in this topic?
  • Why People Care about this Topic
  • Complexity: What Issues and Aspects make up this Topic?
  • Embedded Learning Skills

Task 3: Tapping & Taming the Information Stream

  • Examples: Tom’s ClassPortal Pageflakes or Netvibes
  • Types of Current Information Available (News, Podcasts, Video, Cartoons, Movies, Books, etc.)
  • Initial places to begin looking
  • Possible Student Jobs, Roles, Tasks (consider ICT expertise and Gifted & Talented extensions)

Task 4: ICT Productions

  • Based on Your Skills & Interests & Student Inclination, which ICT Creations seem possible?
  • Any needed software, hardware, online spaces / tools, tech support, tutorials, etc.

Let’s Get Started!

Next Session: Day 4

  • Real, Rich and Relevant Group: Wednesday, 27 July (Day 5: Aug 17)
  • AGQTP Group: Tuesday, 16 August (Day 5: Oct 12)
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ISV – 5 Day Series: Day 2

Enriching the Your Site

The main purpose of today is to explore Web 2.0 tools and resources that enrich your main online platform – for most of us this is our WordPress blogs.  There are a lot of great things to explore and get familiar with and immersing ourselves in this is the first purpose of the day.  The second is to brainstorm how you might use the construct of a “ClassPortal” to engage students in ongoing personal learning and knowledge-building.  Let’s get started!

Review Look to Learn

Before getting started on new things, let’s review the Look to Learn activity format and see if anyone had a chance to use it with students or colleagues.  Here are the Help Links again:

Adding Rich Feeds with NetVibes

Podcasting & Audio

Web 2.0 Tools Review

Social Bookmarking & Personal Research with Diigo


Participants Sites


Real, Rich and Relevant Group

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Day 1 – ISV 5 Day Series


Here begins a great opportunity for us: 5 days spread across the year to develop deep and sophisticated ICT and pedagogy insights and skills.  In other words, fun!

Here’s a set of handouts that mirrors the links below and adds a bit of detail.

The main purpose of today is to set up an easy but powerful online space.  This will be the launch pad for everything else we do.  Think of it as your digital file cabinet, your grab bag of Web 2 tricks, your online classroom.
To begin, let’s see that others have done along these lines.

Activity 1: First Impressions

Skim through some of the links below.  Pause when one catches your attention.  Look more closely.  Consider how you could use something like it for your self and your students.  After about 15 minutes, we’ll brainstorm what we’ve seen and thought.

Examples from 2010/2011

Brainstorming First Impressions (using Stixy) (AGQTP Group)

Activity 2: Creating Your Smart Online Space

Fine-tuning your Blog

Pause for Reflection

From the Dashboard or your blog, go to “Pages” and edit the “About” page.  Use this to reflection on how you think you might use your blog in a range of ways for yourself, your students and colleagues.

Activity 3: Look to Learn : : Learn to Look

Online Samples

Activity 4 – Web 2 Tools

Pause for Reflection #2

Now that you have explored Look to Learn activities and a range of Web 2.0 tools, return to the Dashboard or your blog and edit your “About” page reflection.  Add your further insights gained from the last sessions and what strikes you as useful tools and strategies. Specifically, describe how you think you could use what you’ve learned today.

Feedback Form

Please complete this online feedback form (JotForm!)

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Edge-ucators Team Meeting #1


Good the see you all again – in person!

Here’s a handout / agenda

Action Research

It has been said, “Teachers often leave a mark on their students, but they seldom leave a mark on their profession” (Wolfe, 1989). Through the process and products of action research teachers will do both.

Use the handout above and this digest from Eileen Ferrance‘s chapter to get started. The links below provide additional background and more in-depth guidance.


Mapping your Plan and Data Collection

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5 Day Workshop Series

Welcome to the first day of this year’s 5 day workshop series on integrating Web 2 tools into authentic learning experiences for students.

Module 1 above will get you started.

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Project Parameters

Project – topic / title

Content area(s)

Year Groups

Main Technologies

Possible Collaborations

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Edge-ucators: 2 Polls – Meeting time & platform

meeting time

Could you please indicate your preferred date and time:

web conferencing platform

Could you please indicate which Web Conferencing Platform.  Note: if we meet at 5:00PM and you are at school, will your network support Web conferencing?

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2010 Workshops so far….

“Cutting Edge-ucators: By Invitation Only”

What have we learned so far about Learning in the 21st Century?
Over the past three years very talented and innovative teachers have participated in workshops at the AISV.  They have gone on to use blogs, videos, podcasts and wikis as regular platforms for their students’ learning.  Unfortunately, much of education still happens in clusters isolated from a broader audience.  The purpose of this series is to reunite exemplary technology-using teachers and to share case studies of what they have found effective.  A loose but formal structure will enable the participants to codify parameters for best practice that can then be shared more widely through publications and conferences.

This series will be a combination of online sessions and two face-to-face workshops.

Real, Rich and Relevant

Integrating Pedagogy and Web 2.0 Technologies
Five day Workshop

Web 2.0 technologies facilitate new and exciting ways to teach and learn. Beginning with what we know about how students learn best, participating teachers use Web 2 technologies to create real, rich and relevant learning activities for our students. This 5 day program is offered to small teams (2-4) of teachers who are confident in their use of technology and who are interested in working collaboratively on either discipline based or special learning area projects within their schools.  Participants must also be willing to work collaboratively with other teachers in the program in both face-to-face and online settings to build knowledge around ICT skills and implementation strategies and their impacts on effective classroom practice.

WebQuests 2.0

A Richer Web Improves a Good Idea

Two day Workshop

WebQuests were pretty cool when we invented them more than a decade ago, but see what happens when you unfold today’s WebQuest using Web 2 tools and rich resources.  In the old days people used templates and html to create a WebQuest page.  Now we have more intuitive software that enables students to “crowd source” with social bookmarks, learn from experts on TEDTalks and develop their concepts with a wide range of thinking tools. The tricky part is still facilitating student transformation of new information to understanding but even this gets a boost from collaboration tools like wikis, blogs and decision-ware. Finally, when it comes to publishing newly constructed knowledge, choices might include YouTube, Dipity or Google Maps.

The fact that WebQuests have been around since 1995 doesn’t actually mean they are “old hat” because those who know schools and students are well aware that challenging critical thinking and nurturing intrinsic motivation never go out of style.

Look to Learn

Developing a Culture of Inquiry in Early Years’ Classrooms
1 Day Workshop

Experienced teachers know that positive routines form a foundation to classroom learning.  We often use them to manage classroom behaviours and basic skills. However, routines can also be used to engage students in critical thinking and knowledge building, activities often considered beyond the abilities of early years learners.  Participants in this one day session experience what it’s like to “Look to Learn” from the inside and then use and create such activities for their own students.  See how rich digital media like blogs, videos, podcasts and images stimulate interest that is then developed through routines that prompt critical and creative thinking.  This hands-on workshop provides the theory and practice to enhance the spirit of inquiry and appetite for learning that are already alive in your classroom.*

Pass the Pen

Empowering Primary Learners through IWBs
1 Day Workshop

In a world where rich resources have never been so freely available, our students must get “hands-on” experience making learning choices.  Thus, once teachers have learned the basic tools of the Interactive Whiteboard, the challenge is to use IWBs as a shared learning space with students. Employed as a window to the world, an IWB connects classroom learning with engaging Web 2.0 resources and applications that can enliven classroom practices and “flatten the learning hierarchy.” This session prepares teachers to empower their students to move beyond “technology as entertainment” and to apply the riches of the Web to achieve deep learning and positive habits of mind.

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Early Years Day 3

Welcome Everyone!

Look to Learn – Review and Feedback

  • Look to Learn Strategy
  • Example: JabberRumpus
  • Did you use with students? Response? Comments link used by students, parents, grandparents, cross-age mentors?
  • We Add a comment about use – surf to activities


Ideas for ClassPortals


Where to from Here?

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Early Years Day 2

Welcome Early Years Educators!


Conceptual Questions:

  • What makes web 2.0 good for learning?
  • What makes Web 2.0 difficult for “schools?”
  • Add to Stixyboard?
  • What does Rene say?


Look to Learn

Social Bookmarking

  1. Join the Diigo Early Years Booking Group
  2. Download the Diigo Toolbar
  3. Add a couple sites you like

Social Bookmarking explained by Common Craft

Create your Own Look to Learn

  1. Register to make a Look to Learn activity
  2. Consider your links or others – choose one that is Real, Rich and / or Relevant (all three is best!) Maybe the Scootle learning objects (list)? Test linkMt Scopus
  3. Look through the Prompts and copy and paste or make up your own.
  4. Work with others, get feedback, have fun, then Post your Look to Learn activity.

Use our Early Years AISV page for more links

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